All Lotus Palm Healing website content, including video, audio, live sessions, and written material are for personal, private, home use only. 

All Lotus Palm Healing website content, including video, audio, live sessions, and written material are protected under the copyright laws of the United States and other countries, and international agreements, applicable to copyrighted motion pictures and other materials.

Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, exhibition, or other use of copyrighted motion pictures and all other Lotus Palm Healing files and materials can result in severe civil and criminal penalties under applicable laws.

Consult with your doctor or health care provider before beginning this or any exercise or movement program.

Use of all Lotus Palm Healing website content, including video, audio, live sessions, and written material is at your own risk. The creators, instructors, producers, and distributors of this program, not limited to but including Lotus Palm Healing, LLC, disclaim any liability for any loss, damage, or injury in connection with any use of all Lotus Palm Healing website content, including video, audio, live sessions, and written material or the instructions and/or advice or philosophy expressed herein.

All views expressed in all classes, courses, and materials are representative only of Lotus Palm Healing, LLC.