Taoist Five Qigong Workshop taught by Lyria Pascal

All Levels, including Beginners, welcome!

Additional Instruction time included for current members of Lotus Pearl Qigong (see separate schedule).

Dates: June 28 - 30, 2024.

Friday June 28, 5-7 pm, covers Setting the Practice Field, Clearing Exercises;

Saturday, June 29, 9-12:30, review of above plus Cultivating Jing and Taoist 5 Practice; 12:30-2, break for lunch on your own; 2-5pm, review of above, Golden Ball, Closing Practice, QnA;

Sunday, June 30, 10-12, full practice, QnA

Cost: $300 which includes download of practice for attendees' private use only, 5 Element theory, 6 Golden Keys of Qigong

Place: The Hunter Creek complex across from Celestial Seasonings, 4672 White Rock Circle, Boulder, CO 80301. Parking is directly in front of the building, with clubhouse nearby.

What to bring: water bottle, sweater or light jacket in case of rain, mat, if desired, bag lunch on Saturday, snack, journal and pen, and openness to learn and to connect with our wonderful Lotus Palm Community. Please wear comfortable clothing.

Facility - we will be indoors with chairs, bathroom, and water provided.

Description: The Taoist Five Qigong Form as taught by Grand Master, Dr Jerry Alan Johnson, PH.D., D.T.C.M., D.M.Q. (China)

Dr. Johnson has written over 30 books on numerous topics including Taoist Medical Qigong. This ancient qigong form contains exercises that open and increase the flow of Qi, or vital life force, in the practitioner. Each of the movements are simple and align the breath, visualization and gentle movement to maximize gathering vitality, strength, flexibility, inner peace, and centeredness.

Students will leave the workshop with a basic understanding of the practice from the provided materials and will also receive a recording of the practice that is active for 48 hours. Students can sign up for ongoing classes on the Taoist 5 at www.lotuspalmhealing.com, with Lyria leading all classes live!

Lotus Pearl Summer Qigong Class 2024

Daily via Zoom, Monday - Friday, 8:00 am MST,
50 minute classes

New students may purchase here.

Returning students pay via Zelle or PayPal as your paperwork is on file.

July 3 - September 20, 2024

No class on July 4. Bonus Equinox practice on 9/21.

Cost: $300.

Includes new wisdom teachings. Cultivation of lovelution and neutral compassion and emphasis on grounding to release anxiety and worries.

Students may attend live OR receive a recording, but not both. Students agree that recordings are for personal use only and not to be shared. This class is for personal cultivation only. Students are not permitted to teach any and all portions of the material. Students admitted 5 minutes before class in a waiting room to acclimate to the high vibrational class Qi. In every class, Lyria gives wisdom teachings and responds to submitted student questions and feedback.

I AM Lotus Pearl Qigong is an alchemical, transformative Qigong that shifts cellular vibration within the five element system and the cauldron/chakra system. Simultaneously, this practice cultivates the three Tan Tiens. These power centers, located in the abdomen, heart, and brain are known as Jing or pure vitality (the true fountain of youth), Qi, which is the love vibration that clears and heals current and past stored memory, and Shen, which is the highest form of inspiration translated to imagination and guiding analytical thought.

I AM Lotus Pearl Qigong is the form Lyria used to completely heal from severe rheumatoid arthritis, while healing brain tissue and bone damage from that five-year illness. During this session emphasis will be placed on clearing stubborn blockages and complex inflammatory patterns. This practice promotes universal healing when practiced daily, diligently, and devotionally, which can also awaken and increase spiritual gifts and insights.

Taoist Five Summer Qigong Class 2024

Beginners welcome! Twice Weekly via Zoom,
Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30 am MST, 45 minute classes
July 2 - September 19, 2024
No class July 4. Bonus class on Equinox, 9/21.

Students can participate live OR receive the recording but not both. Recordings are available for 48 hours and are not to be shared.

The Taoist Five Qigong Form as taught by Grand Master, Dr Jerry Alan Johnson, PH.D., D.T.C.M., D.M.Q. (China)

Dr. Johnson has written over 30 books on numerous topics including Taoist Medical Qigong. Students will learn 18 rules of posture, the three invocations to set the field, deep clearing practices for organ health, including Old Man in the Tide Pool, and cultivating life force energy through simple, easy movements. Lyria teaches all classes live and follows the form as Dr. Johnson taught her.

No aspect of the this form can be taught or shared with anyone outside of this class. Recordings are for personal use only by admitted course students.

Lotus Palm Qigong Video Course

Home Practice Lotus Palm Qigong - $200

A powerful, simple and healing practice that involves affirmations and gentle movement. The practice not only opens, clears balances and harmonizes the cauldrons (known as chakras in other traditions) but also the aura and meridians. This is the practice that Lyria did relentlessly to clear herself of severe Rheumatoid Arthritis! Level - everyone! Beginners welcome as well as those who have been practicing for years. Because the Qi is Light Consciousness, it flows and 'knows' where to go in each of us. The movements are easy to learn, and most importantly Lyria teaches the spiritual and healing metaphors that the movements represent!! Students can stand, sit or be laying flat to practice! Bonus material includes Meditations and Breath of Gratitude practice as well as the Six Golden Keys teachings: Setting the Field, Intention, Breathwork, Visualization, Sound, and Gentle Movement.

Lotus Pearl Qigong Spring 2024

Daily via Zoom, Monday - Friday, 8:00 am MST,
50 minute classes

New students may purchase here.

Returning students pay via Zelle or PayPal as your paperwork is on file.

April 22 - June 14, 2024.

Cost: $300.

Includes additional Solstice practice and new wisdom teachings. See your radiant self reflected back to you!

Students may attend live OR receive a recording, but not both. Students agree that recordings are for personal use only and not to be shared. This class is for personal cultivation only. Students are not permitted to teach any and all portions of the material. Students admitted 5 minutes before class in a waiting room to acclimate to the high vibrational class Qi. In every class, Lyria gives wisdom teachings and responds to submitted student questions and feedback.

I AM Lotus Pearl Qigong is an alchemical, transformative Qigong that shifts cellular vibration within the five element system and the cauldron/chakra system. Simultaneously, this practice cultivates the three Tan Tiens. These power centers, located in the abdomen, heart, and brain are known as Jing or pure vitality (the true fountain of youth), Qi, which is the love vibration that clears and heals current and past stored memory, and Shen, which is the highest form of inspiration translated to imagination and guiding analytical thought.

I AM Lotus Pearl Qigong is the form Lyria used to completely heal from severe rheumatoid arthritis, while healing brain tissue and bone damage from that five-year illness. During this session emphasis will be placed on clearing stubborn blockages and complex inflammatory patterns. This practice promotes universal healing when practiced daily, diligently, and devotionally, which can also awaken and increase spiritual gifts and insights.

Healing Sound Meditations Spring 2024

Mondays via Zoom, 7:00 pm MST, April 22 - June 10, 2024, 40 minutes. $100

New students may purchase here.

Returning students pay via Zelle or PayPal as your paperwork is on file.

Students will learn sacred Taoist healing sounds that vibrate healthy information and break up energy blockages in your body's organs and brain. These six healing tones will also create healthy Qi patterns in your meridians, which are the energy pathways that feed your organs, spine, and brain, including the Vagus nerve. Lyria combines powerful guided meditations and tones to personalize each week's session to meet students' healing needs. Students can participate live and will also be provided with a recording. Each recording will be available for 48 hours.


Lotus Palm Qigong Experiences

Deeper transformation than I could have ever imagined

LD from CO

I was introduced to Qigong and Lyria about 4 years ago beginning with an energy session that I believe saved my life. That led me to take classes with her. Each class, each lesson, has been instrumental in my growth, yet in the beginning I was resistant to daily practice. Even still, things changed. They shifted. When I chose to devote to the 100 Day Gong, I had no idea just how right Lyria was about daily practice. I was once ruled by my emotions, so much so that I was unaware of how to cope which led me to numb myself with drugs. I spent most of my life on and off of drugs unable to find anything that helped me be free from the repetitive thoughts and intense emotions. I can say that today I am not even the same woman! I have less reactivity and am able to move through faster when I do. I do not think the same, speak the same, or walk through life the same. I have peace. I have understanding of who I truly am. I am able to flow with life as it comes. This year I had a significant other go through a cancer health project among all of life's other flavors, and I STILL had peace and spaciousness in my every day. I am beyond grateful for this practice and all the extra teachings and bonuses that Lyria offers every single day!

Rebalancing my body

SS from CO

During the 100 Day Qigong, I experienced so much rebalancing in my body, and I know every day I'm moving towards greater health. Near day 50, I started to be able to put my arms above my head for two different techniques in the practice, whereas previously my shoulders were so tight that I could only do it for one of the techniques. Around this time, I was also able to stand more consistently, where previously I had been too tired or would get so dizzy at certain parts of the practice due to so much shifting in my body. By the 90-day mark, I noticed my digestion was improving. My constipation started to disappear, and I began experiencing much fuller bowel movements. The bonus sharing sessions helped me feel connected to Lyria and to my classmates. I always savor Lyria's wisdom and learn from what my classmates are experiencing in their lives as well.

Learning to love myself

SR from WI

The 100 Day Qigong is an invaluable experience. I am learning to love myself and am becoming grateful for all my life experiences. I have learned to truly let go of pain from my past, and I look forward to the wonder of all that is yet to come. My thought process is changing…not circling over and over again. I have become much calmer. I am enjoying everything. Lyria is an amazing teacher. She draws you in, and you feel so connected. I look forward to every class. This is life changing for me! Priceless!

Finding strength and peace

AD from NM

I am so grateful for Lyria and the powerful, yet gentle, space that she holds. I began the 100 day journey so fatigued that I was unable to stand and participate, which was a struggle for a chronic overachiever. Throughout that journey, I returned again and again to the Breath of Gratitude as that was the part I could do as I lay or sat and visualized the movements, finally realizing that first and foremost, I needed to be where I was, and to be at peace with that awareness.

It was the greatest gift.

I began to feel what it was to be at peace with my own experience, especially when it did not match the “shoulds” from my brain. Near the end of the 100 days, I had the empowering experience of being able to stand and participate, though I could not yet sustain that level daily.

After the 100 Day Qong ended, I was swept up again in my life, though I continued to use the Breath whenever I could. After a few months, I joined Lyria’s next 8-week class, and was surprised to discover how very much had continued to strengthen in my body. From the beginning, I could stand and fully participate and I began to more readily understand and apply what was being offered. Due to my work schedule, I was utilizing the daily recordings for the class, but as I began to feel the continued increase in energy in my body and peace in my mind, I effortlessly found myself rising an hour earlier to make sure I could attend the class live and begin my day with a sense of balance and grace.

And, now, on the cusp of my third 8-week class, as I look forward to going deeper in the beautiful space that Lyria holds, I am feeling that cultivated connection and grace guide me into a deeper emotional healing. From that first qigong class and that first remembering of “being okay to be where I am in my own experience”, my healing is growing exponentially, inside and outside of class, and I feel utterly blessed and grateful.

Awakening awareness and cultivating resonance

ED from CO

I have been a committed student of Lyria’s for around 12 years. Her teachings are profound–inspiring–and guide one through life’s gift of challenges. Her teachings (note: when practiced :) have positively altered the course of my life–my anxiety and depression, my myriad of health projects, and my spiritual growth. Her private practice delves deep into the karmic world. Lyria’s gift of seeing where you are in your world and your practice, and speaking to your heart and head, awakens awareness and cultivates a deep resonance of the power of the Qi field. She is a fabulous teacher.  

Helping me start my family

Dr. Claudia Krajicek, L.Ac

I have received weekly sessions in energy work from Lyria for about a year now. I started the treatments after two miscarriages that resulted in significant emotional and spiritual challenges for me. Lyria has been extremely helpful in supporting through those experiences as well as my current, healthy pregnancy! I have gotten to know Lyria as a health care practitioner that has a very healing ability to listen, to tune into what's most important and needed, to share her wisdom when appropriate, and she has the ability to create a very safe space for each healing session. Her actual work has been very palpable and often transforming for me. And I have no doubt that she has greatly helped me on my way to motherhood. I highly recommend her to my friends and family.

Profound change in my physical and emotional well being


I have been attending Lyria's Qigong classes at Lotus Palm for almost 7 years. Her gentle but persistent teachings have made a profound change in my physical and emotional well being. Her caring one-on-one healing sessions have helped me get through tough times. Lyria has great insights and is a true healer!

A safe space for healing

DD from NM

There are people who are involved in energy work in our midst...and then there are those who are truly Lightworkers, here to live the journey and quietly share with us the profound wisdom of lessons learned and integrated during the fulfillment of their own contracts over multiple lifetimes. Lyria is the second group and lives her practices. Her understanding and acknowledgement of the guidance and assistance available to us are most obvious and invaluable. She silently and lovingly expresses an ability to hold space during a session and I feel empowered to progress in a way that dovetails keenly with my level of understanding, while "pushing the envelope" of healing and knowing. A healer myself, it has often been challenging to find and trust the space for movement when my own path becomes muddied and less than clear. Time and again, I have found solace, clarity and often profound expansion during and after a session with Lyria. I am in deep gratitude to Spirit for having placed her in my path!

Qigong has changed how I am in the world


Lyria's no-nonsense, free flowing and sometimes gently nudging teaching style has been helping me tremendously. Her encouragement to stay focused on letting the Qi in allowed me change how I am in the world. I don't know where I would have been had I not started taking her weekly classes 11 years ago.